About Us

Whether you are just starting out or a global market leader, IT and business software play vital roles in helping you achieve and maintain success. Founded in 2012 to meet the ever-increasing demand for business-related IT skills, BPM Technical Solutions aims to provide you with an end to end partnership in the technical areas that are key to running your business. Our extensive knowledge also allows us to tailor your environment to meet the specific requirements that make your business unique.

While our primary focus is on the Epicor Vantage and Epicor 9 ERP solutions and their implementation, configuration, and enhancement, our skills extend to Hardware installation, Windows Networking, Microsoft Operating Systems, Microsoft Office, Web Development, and application development.

Within the Epicor applications we specialise in

  • Process Mapping
  • Application Training
  • Technical Training
  • Customisation (Basic and Advanced)
  • Business Process Management – BPMs (Standard and Advanced)
  • Business Activity Queries – BAQs (Internal and External)
  • Updatable BAQs (Internal and External)
  • Executive Queries
  • Dashboards (Standard, Executive, Internal, and External)
  • Updateable Dashboards (Internal and external)
  • Crystal Reports
  • SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS

At BPM we have the resources you need to take your business forward by helping you to Work Smarter, Not Harder.

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